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One World, One Time, One Metta

An extension of the Metta Round the World initiative, One World, One Time, One Metta gathers like-minded people the world over to practice Metta meditation at 8.00 pm local time – from wherever they are – creating a global network of collective consciousness on loving-kindness, by radiating Metta in every time zone throughout the world in the last weekend of the year. 


​At the end of the practice, participants will dedicate the merits generated for world peace, harmony and stability.

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Join us to create a global network of collective consciousness on loving-kindness by practicing Metta meditation on 23 December 2023 (8.00pm local time) from wherever you are.

To download the audio of guided Metta meditation (in English and Mandarin),

please visit:


References on the effects of collective consciousness to the world:
For more information on The Global Consciousness Project, please visit:


For more information on The Global Coherence Initiative, please visit:

© 2023 by 24hrmetta 

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